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Will Richmond be the next Charlottesville?

In defiance of Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s ban on demonstrations at the Robert E. Lee statue on Monument Avenue, a little known Tennessee-based group of Confederate sympathizers is going ahead with a rally to promote protection of the statue.

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Emancipation Proclamation Day service to take place online

With a stroke of a pen, President Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery in the warring South 158 years ago.

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10,000 consumers to benefit from state deal with loan company

Thousands of desperate Virginia consumers who borrowed money from a supposed Native American company called Western Sky Financial soon will have their loans forgiven or will get a refund of the illegal sky-high interest they paid.
 Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring announced the refunds and loan forgiveness for borrowers Tuesday in disclosing a settlement with the company, CashCall Inc., that posed as the now defunct Western Sky in what he described as a deceptive and illegal borrowing scheme.

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New online magazine to focus on people making contributions

B.K. Fulton, a creative media entrepreneur in Richmond, has launched an online entertainment and lifestyle magazine.

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Kissinger’s legacy — it’s complicated, by Clarence Page

Over his century on Earth, Henry Kissinger left a big mark, love him or hate him. And a lot of people sure did hate him.


HOME explains role in RRHA housing issue

Re “Prospect of home ownership escapes 70-year-old Randolph resident,” Free Press June 29-July 1 edition: The role of Housing Opportunities Made Equal in the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority’s scattered site process was to provide education and counseling. HOME is not a lender and does not provide financing.

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Huguenot Falcons hope to boost wins under new coach Jared Taylor

Huguenot High School has improved the number of victories its team has secured on the girdiron each of the past three seasons.

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RPS summer meals program begins June 29

After school closes June 24, Richmond Public Schools will still serve free breakfast and lunch at six schools to ensure students are not hungry most of the summer, it has been announced.

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Public meeting March 1 on Henrico schools superintendent search

The public will have an opportunity to tell Henrico officials what they want to see in a new Henrico schools superintendent at a meeting 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 1, at L. Douglas Wilder Middle School, 6900 Wilkinson Road.

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Ohio votes to legalize marijuana for adult recreational use, becoming 24th state to do so

Ohio voters approved a measure legalizing recreational marijuana on Tuesday, defying Republican legislative leaders who failed to pass the proposed law.

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Nicole Jones appointed as Michael Jones’ interim replacement on City Council

Richmond School Board member Nicole Jones has received a big boost to her campaign for the 9th District City Council seat.

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Unemployment and wage gap

President Trump keeps boasting about the low black unemployment rate, although African-Americans still suffer nearly twice the unemployment rate as white people do. What the president never mentions is the growing racial wealth gap — the economic disparity between white people and people of color that plagues this country.

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Free COVID-19 testing and vaccines

COVID-19 testing is available at various drug stores, clinics and urgent care centers throughout the area for people with and without health insurance. Several offer free tests.

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Malcolm X bio wins National Book Award

Tamara Payne and her late father Les Payne’s Malcolm X biography, “The Dead Are Arising,” has won the National Book Award for nonfiction.


CBS 6 shows ‘callous attitude’ toward President Obama

WTVR-TV, CBS 6 in Richmond continuously refuses to broadcast speeches when President Obama is on air. This, I feel, is disrespectful and should be brought to the attention of our community.

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Festival of the Arts

The 66th edition of Richmond’s Festival of the Arts at Dogwood Dell in Byrd Park will launch Saturday, June 10, with a six-hour showcase of music, dance, food and culture of immigrants who now live in the Richmond area.

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President-elect Biden calls for healing as Trump tries to block transition

Democrat Joe Biden is calling this “a time for healing” in claiming victory in the 2020 presidential election.

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Bankruptcy trustee recommends RCC sale to another church

And the apparent winner is United Nations Church International. Aiming to keep the Richmond Christian Center a place of worship, a court-appointed trustee is recommending a sale of the church’s 5-acre property in South Side to Richmond-based UNCI for $2.9 million.

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Free COVID-19 testing, vaccines

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.

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Free COVID-19 testing, vaccines

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.