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Bishop Gerald O. Glenn and wife hospitalized with the coronavirus
A prominent Chesterfield County minister and his wife are both being treated at the hospital for the coronavirus.

Loss of a legend
Julian Bond, warrior in the struggle for equality, dies at 75
Through the relentless struggles of the Civil Rights Movement, Julian Bond always kept his sense of humor. His steady demeanor helped him persist despite the inevitable difficulties involved, his wife recalled. Mr. Bond “never took his eyes off the prize — and that was always racial equality,” his wife, Pamela Horowitz, said Sunday. “He always ... in that hard struggle kept a sense of humor, and I think that’s what allowed him to do that work for so long — his whole life really,” his wife added.

32nd Annual 2nd Street Festival goes virtual Oct. 3 and 4
The 32nd Annual 2nd Street Festival in Jackson Ward will have a twist this year because of the coronavirus pandemic. Instead of thousands of people flocking to the Downtown neighborhood to enjoy the history, music, food and art, events will take place virtually.

Virginia primaries begin in May
In-person voting for statewide candidates in Virginia’s primary elections will kick off Friday, May 3, at local registrar’s offices.

Hanover County announces water assistance program
Hanover residents who have customer accounts with the county’s Department of Public Utilities can now apply for water and wastewater bill assistance through Virginia’s Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program.

Gov. Northam issues temporary weapons ban
Fearing a repeat of the deadly violence that engulfed Charlottesville more than two years ago, Gov. Ralph S. Northam declared a temporary state of emergency Wednesday that would ban all weapons, including guns, knives, sticks, bats, chains and projectiles, from Capitol Square through the weekend and until Tuesday.

SUN announces co-op solar initiative
The Nonprofit group Solar United Neighbors (SUN) announced the launch of the Metro Richmond 2023 Solar and EV Charger Co-op to help residents and small businesses in the Metro Richmond area go solar.

VMHC honors dads with free admission
Dads may visit the Virginia Museum of History & Culture and receive free admission to the museum galleries, including the museum’s most recent exhibition, “Apollo: When We Went to the Moon,” as part of a special Father’s Day offering.

Maymont’s annual Garden Glow promises to shine brighter than before
Dramatic and colorful lighting will once again transform portions of Maymont’s gardens and historic architecture after sunset beginning next Thursday, Oct. 13, and continuing through Saturday, Nov. 6, it has been announced.

VSU students providing free tax assistance
Virginia State University’s Accounting students are collaborating with the IRS for the 37th year to provide free income tax preparation and filing assistance to Tri-City area residents with an income of $73,000 or below.

VCU class creates story maps of 2 historic Black cemeteries
Graduate students in a Virginia Commonwealth University class have created online story maps of two historic Black burial grounds, the Cemeteries of Barton Heights in Richmond and Woodland Cemetery in Henrico County.

Virginia Repertory Theatre presents “Gospel Nativity” this weekend
Virginia Repertory Theatre will present “Gospel Nativity,” a special holiday show as a workshop at 7 p.m. Dec 16 and 17 in the Jessie Bogese Theatre at Virginia Rep Center for Arts and Education, 4202 Hermitage Road.

Miss local baseball? You can still get the food
With the coronavirus pandemic, fans are missing baseball. And some are missing ballpark food.

Policy group’s awards event combines inspiration and celebration
Richmond Delegate Betsy B. Carr will be among the adult and student honorees whom the nonprofit Policy Pathways will salute during its fourth annual virtual Fall Celebration at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 20.

Registration opens for HCPS Summer Academy
Registration opens this month for Henrico County Public Schools’ Summer Academy. According to HCPS, the program gives elementary, middle and high school students opportunities for enrichment, remediation and career exploration.

Gov. Northam announces plan to boost education spending
Just days after a major march in Richmond calling for more state dollars for public education, Gov. Ralph S. Northam announced Tuesday that his next proposed budget will include $268.7 million in additional school funding, including increased spending for new school construction, at-risk students and money to boost teachers’ pay.

Free Thanksgiving meals and turkeys
Young Achievers and Making Men, along with the Beta Gamma Lambda Educational Foundation, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Beta Gamma Lambda Chapter, The Links, Commonwealth (VA) Chapter, will sponsor a Turkey Giveaway on Nov. 18 from 12 to 2 p.m., 1830 Creighton Road, 23223.

Chesterfield opens early voting sites
Chesterfield County opened five library satellite sites for in person, early voting on Oct. 23.

Virginia lawmakers spar on reported Trump visit to Jamestown
Virginia lawmakers are sparring after an as yet unconfirmed report that President Trump will attend the 400th anniversary celebration on Tuesday, July 30, of the first meeting of the state’s legislative body in Jamestown.

AKA Upsilon Omega Chapter presents 26 debutantes
The Upsilon Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Soror- ity recently presented 26 debutantes from area high schools, colleges and universities at the organization’s 2022 Debutante Presentation and Ball.