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All results / Stories / Jeremy M. Lazarus

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Faster legal sales of marijuana snuffed out; Black advocates cheer

The rush to start legal retail sales of marijuana next September has been snuffed out.

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Stoney’s $3B proposal

Funding designed to make Richmond more liveable, despite increased gas, water bills

Record pay increases for Richmond city employees, along with hikes in spending on youth programming, affordable housing, public education and street paving.

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House blocked for female felons

City Councilwoman Ellen F. Robertson has been a champion of affordable housing during her 11 years on City Council. The 6th District representative, who previously led a nonprofit housing group in the Highland Park area, has been a staunch advocate for creation of lower-cost homes and apartments for working people and others.

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Consultants find Petersburg is nearly broke

For interim Petersburg City Manager Tom Tyrell, Christmas and New Year’s cannot come too soon. That’s when property owners are supposed to pay their next quarterly bill for real estate taxes — and steer fresh revenue into the depleted Petersburg coffers.

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Private contractors costing city big $ for snow removal

When snow falls in Richmond, City Hall is forced to pay big bucks to private contractors to clear the streets. The reason: Up to half of the aging fleet of city dump trucks that double as snowplows are usually parked, awaiting repairs, according to a new report from the Department of Public Works.

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Noted reggae musician Drummie Zeb returns to his Richmond roots

Inspired by the vibrations from the marching bands at the Richmond Christmas Parade, 10-year-old Ernest Myron Williams begged his mother for a set of drums. She scrimped and saved to provide one.

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Council members concerned about latest utility rate hikes

Like a steady drip, drip, drip, the cost of utility services is continuing to rise in Richmond at a double-digit pace, outpacing inflation and raising concerns among some about affordability.

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Rev. Delores R. Seay, associate minister at Triumphant Baptist Church, dies at 86

The Rev. Delores McFadden Robinson Seay, an associate minister at Triumphant Baptist Church who devoted herself to volunteer service at the church and in the community for decades, has died.

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Dr. Leonard L. Edloe installed as president-elect of Virginia Pharmacists Association

Dr. Leonard L. Edloe, the former owner of a small chain of pharmacies in Richmond, has been installed as the first Black president-elect of the 140-year-old Virginia Pharmacists Association, the same group that once barred his late pharmacist father from joining the organization because of the color of his skin.

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NSU scores with SACS, state audit

Norfolk State University is finally getting some good news. Interim President Eddie N. Moore Jr. this week indicated that NSU is on its way to having its accrediting agency remove the school from probation and restore it to unqualified accreditation.

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Richmond native Dr. Elizabeth Bouey-Yates, educator and philanthropist, dies in S.C.

Resource-starved schools in South Africa are benefiting from the work of Richmond native Dr. Elizabeth “Bettye” Bouey-Yates.

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Ulysses Kirksey, longtime music director and conductor of the Petersburg Symphony Orchestra, succumbs after illness

Ulysses Kirksey grew up in Richmond, traveled the world with his cello and landed back in Petersburg, where he led the community’s symphony orchestra for 32 years.

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Dr. Thelma Bland Watson, who was dedicated to advancing the needs of the elderly, dies at 70

Dr. Thelma Bland Watson was 9 when she began providing assistance to her maternal grandmother. That experience turned Dr. Watson into a champion for the elderly.

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PayPal names new award for Richmond legend Maggie L. Walker

Trailblazing businesswoman Maggie L. Walker sought to empower women in her pioneering efforts in business and banking in Richmond at the turn of the 20th century.

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Tough love

Task force recommends subpoena powers for police oversight board

A recommendation for creating a powerful new city office to police the police has been sent to Richmond City Council for review.

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The spirit of giving

Meadowbridge market offers free groceries to local residents

Dark and silent most days, the Meadowbridge Community Market comes alive on Saturdays.

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Ignoring call to duty

Failure to sign up for Selective Service hurts thousands

Register for Selective Service. Otherwise, you could ruin your life. Jacquel Parker wishes he could tell that to every young man turning 18.

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Historic city credit union seeks new growth

Amid the recovery from the Great Depression, 10 African-American Richmond educators organized a new credit union for teachers in the city that would provide the personal touch and financial services then largely unavailable to them at most banks in segregated Richmond.

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Revival linked to COVID-19

Deaths of 6 Metro Revival attendees may be connected to the coronavirus

A three-night revival in early March that brought more than 1,200 people from across the Richmond area to Cedar Street Baptist Church of God in Church Hill each evening appears to have helped spread the coronavirus in the African-American community.

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Garden at MLK Middle School is part of new city Food Justice Corridor

Richmond’s new Food Justice Corridor is starting to take root. On Saturday, nine new raised garden beds were installed in an interior courtyard at Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School, building on fledging steps begun last year.