All results / Stories / Jeremy M. Lazarus

VSU facing possible $26M deficit, enrollment drop
Virginia State University has become a prime example of the financial hits historically black colleges and universities are taking because of the coronavirus.

City plans public awareness campaign about trash fee exemption
Christine Page rents a house in the 1700 block of North 19th Street, and her monthly utility bill has always included $23.79 for trash and recycling collection. She was surprised to learn that she could apply to the city to remove the fee from the bill without any impact on her service.

Sources: Mayor Stoney to advance Coliseum project for Downtown
The grand, but still stalled $1.4 billion plan to replace the now-closed Richmond Coliseum and potentially create thousands of new jobs is supposed to include development of nearly 3,000 affordable and market- rate apartments.

What’s in a name?
Efforts to rename the Lee Bridge rise again, bounded by slave-holding ties
Instead of a slavery-defending general, a key bridge over the James River could soon bear the name of a plantation where enslaved people labored.

City Council to consider design funding for new George Wythe on Feb. 28
Despite meeting on Valentine’s Day, Richmond City Council passed on an opportunity to end its feud with the Richmond School Board over the size of the proposed replacement for the aged and decrepit George Wythe High School.

Trammell to introduce collective bargaining ordinance at next City Council meeting
Richmond is poised to consider expanding collective bargaining to city employees.

Former owner of WCLM radio settles, withdraws lawsuit
Preston T. Brown is ending his legal fight with his partners who bought the former WCLM-1450 AM radio station he co-owned and operated for 21 years.

City Council OKs expensive NFL training center refinancing
Taxpayers cannot escape paying for the Washington pro football team’s summer training camp, a reluctant Richmond City Council has decided.

Upset: Challenger ‘Joe’ Morrissey garners Petersburg support to handily beat incumbent Sen. Rosalyn Dance in Tuesday’s primary
Challenger Joseph D. “Joe” Morrissey, proving tougher and more resilient than his critics anticipated, cruised Tuesday to a surprisingly easy victory over incumbent state Sen. Rosalyn R. Dance of Petersburg in a Democratic primary election.

‘Tomorrow can be better’
Gov. Ralph S. Northam is sworn in as Virginia’s 73rd chief executive
“Virginians didn’t send us here to be Democrats or Republicans. They sent us here to solve problems.” So said Ralph Sherer Northam on Saturday after he was sworn in as Virginia’s 73rd governor with his wife, Pam, and children beside him.

VSU, NSU still facing cutbacks
Cutbacks. That’s what Norfolk State and Virginia State universities are facing because of surprisingly steep enrollment drops. Enrollment at both of the state-funded, historically black institutions peaked in 2012 and then began a sharp decline. Based on current projections, both schools expect to enroll at least 25 percent fewer students in the fall than in 2012. That means less income and more need to reduce spending on staff and programs.

Charles L. Conyers, consummate educator and retired state education administrator, dies at 92
Charles Lee Conyers believed that a good education was the ticket out of poverty.

Church Hill North project among city’s costliest new apartments
Some of the costliest apartments in Richmond are being built on the former site of Armstrong High School in the 1600 block of North 31st Street in the East End — miles away from the hot development centers of Manchester, Scott’s Addition and Downtown.

New state NAACP president chastises Democrats for selecting Scott Surovell instead of Mamie Locke for leadership role
The Rev. Cozy E. Bailey Sr. used his first public statement as the new state NAACP president to tongue-lash the Democratic Caucus in the state Senate for failing to elect Hampton Democratic Sen. Mamie E. Locke as the next majority leader.

Lee statue to remain under new 90-day injunction
The statue of slavery-defending Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee will continue to loom over Monument Avenue for at least 90 more days.

City Planning Commission to take up Salvation Army relocation request in new year
A holiday truce has been declared in the seven-month battle over the Salvation Army’s proposal to move its Central Virginia headquarters and shelter from Downtown to North Side.
Work to begin in Jackson Ward on Fay Towers replacement
Heavy machinery will soon start moving into a block of Jackson Ward where 154 apartments are to rise over the next year or so, according to Orlando C. Artze, interim director of the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority.

RRHA negotiating plan to turn over 11 properties to private company
The city’s housing authority is on the verge of giving a New Jersey-based company control of 11 smaller apartment complexes that house families and the elderly as part of its larger plan to modernize public housing by turning over ownership to private companies.

Making an impact
Dr. Lillie R. Bennett has been caring for Richmond children in her medical practice for nearly 50 years
Joyce Carter happily drives 40 miles from Caroline County to Richmond so her three adopted children can see one doctor.

Vanishing notebooks
RPS officials report 12,100 laptops missing
On the heels of a scathing audit report, Richmond Public Schools is admitting that its own internal check has found that more than 1,600 laptops that were purchased have vanished, and that it does not know the whereabouts of another 10,558 laptops that are listed in the inventory.