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Fourth Baptist’s pastor leads by faith activism

Dr. Emory Berry Jr. calls himself a “walking miracle.” The 38-year-old is celebrating his fifth anniversary as pastor at Fourth Baptist Church in Richmond. When his mother was pregnant with him, doctors at a Miami hospital urged her to terminate her pregnancy because of health complications, he said. Instead, he said, his mother had faith that God would allow her to deliver the child safely and that he would make a difference in the world.

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Student apologizes for playing racist song

The neatly attired African-American teenager somberly stepped to the podium at the Henrico County School Board meeting last week at New Bridge School in East Henrico.

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One year after saying ‘I do,’ couple enjoys wedded bliss

“It’s like we’re experiencing love all over again,” said Shamika Fauntleroy.

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City opens emergency cold weather shelter

Men and women again will be able to spend cold nights inside the city’s former Public Safety Building in coming months. For the third consecutive year, the City of Richmond will use a portion of the building at 501 N. 9th St. as its emergency overflow shelter, according to Tammy D. Hawley, a spokesperson for Mayor Dwight C. Jones.

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Racist song played at school by black student, sources say

Who was responsible for playing the racist, demeaning song laced with the n-word over the public address system last Friday at predominantly white Glen Allen High School in Henrico County during warm-ups for the homecoming football game against predominantly black John Marshall High School of Richmond?

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$3M civil suit filed against ABC agents

How much is Martese Johnson’s pain, suffering and bleeding worth? Mr. Johnson, now a fourth-year honors student at the University of Virginia, was slammed onto the pavement outside a Charlottesville pub last March by three agents from the Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control who suspected him of trying to use a fake ID to enter.

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Protest over teacher transfers

Dozens of angry teachers, parents and students protested Richmond Public Schools’ plan to move 10 teachers from four elementary schools into classrooms at other schools in the district. Teachers held signs proclaiming “Save Our Teachers,” “Our Students Deserve Better” and “Teacher Power!” Their protest mounted at Monday’s meeting of the Richmond School Board is against the school administration’s process known as “leveling,” which Superintendent Dana T. Bedden explained is to provide more equitable teacher-student ratios in schools across the district.

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‘Ambassador of Compassion’ dies at 62

Even in the final few days before she succumbed to heart failure, Alicia C. Rasin found the time and energy to assist others in need.

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Geronimo Aguilar gets 40 years

Forty years. That’s how much time former Richmond Outreach Center Pastor Geronimo “Pastor G” Aguilar will serve in a Texas prison for sexually assaulting two sisters — ages 11 and 13 — while he lived in their family’s home in Fort Worth and served as a youth pastor at their church in the mid-1990s.

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‘War Room’ bridges racial divide

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “It is appalling that the most segregated hour of Christian America is 11 o’clock on Sunday morning.” That truism also largely is the case for U.S. audiences that attend Christian-themed films. While Bishop T.D. Jakes’ series of films based on his “Woman Thou Art Loosed” novels and other Afro-centric Christian movies have been popular with African-American audiences, few white people of faith have supported them. Similarly, the compelling faith-based films from brothers Alex and Stephen Kendrick, who are white, and Christian movies with mostly white casts have largely attracted white audiences.

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Free Press photographer honored with ‘Acts of Kindness’ award

“It’s not what you have, it’s what you give. And I have been blessed by doing that.” Rudolph “Rudy” Powell, a Richmond resident and part-time Free Press photographer, lives by that credo.

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More than 12,000 flood Brown’s Island for race opening

Richmond native and American Idol finalist Rayvon Owen and the Richmond Symphony wowed more than 12,000 people Friday night on Brown’s Island as they opened the UCI Road World Championships with a dazzling show ushering in a resplendent riverside sunset. The Richmond Cycling Corps, a group of East End youngsters ages 12 to 17, then led a colorful procession of the 16 cyclists from Team USA, followed by 74 youngsters carrying the flags of the nations participating in this international bicycling race.

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Sharpton on GOP: ‘They entertain you with foolishness’

“And let us not be weary in well doing!” the Rev. Al Sharpton said. “For in due season, we shall reap, if we faint not!” Moved by those stirring words, more than 1,000 worshippers rose to their feet, cheering and applauding Rev. Sharpton on Sunday during his sermon at the Men’s Day service at historic Gillfield Baptist Church in Petersburg. “If you give up, think of those ahead of you. If they had given up, where would we be?”

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No eggs, bacon for The Breakfast Club

They call themselves “The Breakfast Club.” They arrive about 6 a.m. at Fifth Baptist Church in the West End every Tuesday and Friday. Deacon John Chavis opens the back door for them. On this particular morning, 13 members of the club arrive. And as they do twice a week, they play basketball in the church gymnasium.

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Bikers win fans, friends

Team Rwanda visits Woodville Elementary School

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State hospital group lays groundwork for more money

Virginians face the possibility of losing access to health care as some hospitals and health care providers face cuts or closure due to financial strains. And health care workers are worried they may lose their jobs if health care and medical facilities are forced to cut back on services or close.

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Journey for Justice’ makes stop in Richmond

“The struggles (for civil rights) that our parents and grandparents fought still continue. Those who would take away hard-earned rights take note: A new generation has taken up the challenge. As we march on this America’s ‘Journey for Justice,’ we say to everyone, ‘We will not turn around!’ ”

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NAACP officials call for continued probe into Chesterfield woman’s death

Richmond private investigator Perry Hicks began probing the mysterious disappearance and death of Ogechi Sarah Uwasomba three months ago at the behest of the Richmond NAACP and other concerned parties.

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He’s helping released jail inmates get services

Devon Simmons said he gets deep satisfaction from helping inmates leaving local jails gain a new lease on life. “Instead of warehousing them, we need to provide them with more services to give them a better chance to succeed after they are released,” he said.

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Bike races hit bumps on the way to big start

The city’s grand plan to showcase itself to the world for the 2015 UCI Road World Championships is hitting some speed bumps.