All results / Stories / Ronald E. Carrington

As new George Mason Elementary takes shape, questions raised about old building
Cityscape: Slices of life and scenes in Richmond
What should happen to the old George Mason Elementary School building? That’s the big question as a new $38.4 million George Mason Elementary building is being constructed on the grounds in the East End.

RPS releases initial details of online reopening
When school starts Tuesday, Sept. 8, for Richmond Public Schools students, their online lessons will begin at 9:15 a.m. and end at 4:20 p.m. Students in pre-school through third grade will start earlier — at 9 a.m. and end at 2:45 p.m.

Teacher raises, central office cuts are key to Kamras’ proposed 2022-23 RPS budget
Richmond teachers would get a 5 percent raise, the largest in years, while 33 new people would be added to the Richmond Public Schools payroll.

New online magazine to focus on people making contributions
B.K. Fulton, a creative media entrepreneur in Richmond, has launched an online entertainment and lifestyle magazine.

Students to face new ‘growth assessment’ tests this fall
Richmond Public School students will be required to take a statewide growth assessment test starting this fall.

Unbridled joy
RPS’ first full graduation since COVID-19 brings smiles, cheers and joy at The Diamond
Huguenot High School’s graduation Monday was a day to remember — the first Richmond Public Schools gradu- ates to walk across a stage and receive their diplomas in a traditional, big group ceremony since the pandemic hit in March 2020.

Police send Peters shooting report to commonwealth’s attorney
The Richmond Police Department has turned over its report on the investigation of the fatal shooting of Marcus-David Peters to the Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office.

RPS to review relationship with Richmond Police, consider reopening options
Two Richmond School Board members urged the administration to dissolve the school system’s relationship with the Richmond Police Department, eliminating the school resource officers who patrol the city’s high schools, middle schools and alternative school.

Virtual jitters
First day of school has ups and downs for Richmond families with online learning
When the first day of school came to an end Tuesday, Richmond Public Schools parents Safiya and Kendell Wilson happily exhaled.

Area colleges spring for virtual commencement ceremonies for the Class of 2020
Marchelle Williams has worked hard as a graduate student for the past two years in Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of Social Work. The 25-year-old Fredericksburg native was looking forward to that traditional special moment capping her latest achievement – walking across the stage during commencement to receive her master’s degree.

School supplies, show giveaways start for ‘back to school’
As Richmond area students prepare for virtual learning this semester, they still will need school supplies and other items as online classes begin Tuesday, Sept. 8.

Need for socialization, enrichment leads families to create education pods for children
Adam and T.Q. Evans thought the best way for their two young sons to learn during the COVID-19 pandemic was through an education pod.

Thanksgiving food, fellowship at area events
Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends and fellowship. But it also can be a stressful and lonely time for others.

Kamras gets overwhelming public support for 4-year contract
Richmond Public Schools parents and students, teachers and staff overwhelmingly voiced their support for Superintendent Jason Kamras’ contract to be renewed for four years.

Vacation Bible School group puts message into practice
Petersburg High School’s Marching Crimson Wave has been trying to raise money for new uniforms for the marching band since spring.

New RPS HR director comes from system with similar challenges
Sandra Lee has her work cut out for her.

Richmond School Board awaits details on fall’s virtual reopening
In just a few weeks, Richmond Public Schools will be starting a new school year – virtually.

Virginia Museum of History & Culture reopens May 14 after $30M renovation
The Virginia Museum of History & Culture will reopen this weekend after a two-year, $30 million renovation with a celebration featuring new exhibits, rich family stories, entertainment, activities and food trucks.

Kamras releases details of approved schools cuts
Richmond Public Schools Superintendent Jason Kamras made public on Monday details of the 74 positions to be eliminated in a $300 million budget plan that was adopted Feb. 25 by the Richmond School Board.

Gov. Northam speaks at VUU Community Leaders Breakfast
Gov. Ralph S. Northam addressed the 41st Annual Community Leaders Breakfast last Friday honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with a message of valuing Virginia’s diversity and the collective responsibility of supporting each other as the state moves forward.