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‘Gun control has nothing to do with guns; it is people control’

Letters to the editor

The purpose of this letter is correct myths surrounding the AR-15 rifle, the most popular rifle in America.

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Is America failing Millennials, Gen Zs? by Dr. Stephanie Mayers and Jan Perry

During the last two weeks of March and first week of April, Americans were shocked with alarming news of mass shootings and violent attacks in Atlanta; Boulder, Colo.; Washington, D.C.; and York County, S.C. Out of the 20 mass shootings and violent attacks during that time, one very distressing element stands out: A number of the attacks were carried out by GenZs — those ages 14 to 24 — and Millennials — those ages 25 to 38 — from diverse racial groups and regions of the United States.

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Standing on sidelines not an option by Marc H. Morial

In the long arc of the nation’s history of racially motivated voter suppression, 2021 will stand as a clear and distinct moment that changed everything that came after. Whether it will symbolize the demise of such suppression – or its shameful entrenchment – remains to be seen.

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Double dose of wrong

State Police, FBI and civil rights investigations launched into treatment of 2nd Lt. Caron Nazario during traffic stop in Windsor, Virginia, while police officer is charged in shooting death in Minn.

Virginia State Police and the state Attorney General’s Office of Civil Rights are investigating the traffic stop of 2nd Lt. Caron Nazario in rural Isle of Wight County, where two police officers, screaming with their guns drawn, threatened him, peppersprayed him in the face and demanded he get out of his SUV without giving him an explanation for the stop.

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Personality: Dr. Sesha Joi Moon

Spotlight on co-creator of The JXN Project

The 150th anniversary of Jackson Ward’s creation is close, and Dr. Sesha Joi Moon is intent on seeing that the full history of the district in Downtown is recognized and celebrated.

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Restoration work at John Jasper Monument

From left, Daniel Castro, Wilson Zelaya and Jose Hernandez complete work last Friday on a new foundation for the John Jasper Monument at Woodland Cemetery on Magnolia Road in East Highland Park. Rev. Jasper, who was born into slavery in Fluvanna County, founded Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Church in Jackson Ward after his own emancipation following the Civil War.

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Jackie Robinson opened MLB’s doors to people of color 74 years ago on April 15

If Jackie Robinson had done anything wrong in1947, it might have set back the movement for racial equality many years. Instead, he did everything right.

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City police, firefighters seek $8.9M for simpler, more competitive pay plan

The Richmond Fire Department is so short of trained manpower that it plans to impose mandatory overtime later this month to ensure adequate coverage for fires and medical emergencies, firefighters told Richmond City Council on Monday night.

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Timeline outlined for disposal of city-owned Confederate statues

Richmond City Council could vote to dispose of the city’s collection of Confederate statues at the Monday, June 14, meeting, according to a tentative plan for action.

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Former Flying Squirrels now on MLB rosters

Today’s minor leaguers become tomorrow’s major leaguers.

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Police abuse redux

When will the police abuse and killing of Black people stop?

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State Board of Elections investigation continuing into city Electoral Board

The state Board of Elections is to meet Tuesday, April 20, to determine whether allegations involving two Democratic members of the Richmond Electoral Board are to be referred to the Richmond Circuit Court for further action.

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Chauvin violated policy, training and ethics in pinning George Floyd, chief says

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo joined in condemning the actions of Derek Chauvin during the second week of the trial of the former officer charged with murdering George Floyd while he was in custody.

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Baylor takes down undefeated Gonzaga to win

Gonzaga University was undefeated November to March, but Baylor University was undefeated in April, and that’s what counts most.

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Marijuana on track for legalization July 1

In landmark action Wednesday, the General Assembly put Virginia on track to legalize possession of a small amount of marijuana on July 1.

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Stanford women win title for first time since 1992

Instead of home sweet home, let’s hear it for “Home Sweet Hotel.” That could be the theme for Stanford University’s women’s basketball team that defeated the University of Arizona 54-53 for the NCAA title last Sunday.

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April is National Donate Life Month

The Children’s Organ Transplant Association, or COTA, was founded in April 1986 when residents of Bloomington, Ind., rallied around a toddler who needed a life-saving liver transplant.

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‘I believe I witnessed a murder”

Witnesses to George Floyd’s deadly arrest in Minneapolis tell jury of their shock, horror

Darnella Frazier said she sometimes lays awake at night “apologizing to George Floyd for not doing more and not physically interacting and not saving his life.”

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Personality: John W. Boyd Jr.

Spotlight on founder-president of the National Black Farmers Association

John Wesley Boyd Jr. is a man skilled in making waves, from the acres of crops in his fields to the halls of Congress in Washington, D.C.

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Snoozing VUU Panthers anxious for wake-up call

Few gyms have enjoyed more raucous victory celebrations than Virginia Union University’s venerable Barco-Stevens Hall. But more recently, few gyms have been more silent.