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Free community testing for COVID-19 continues

The Richmond and Henrico County health districts are offering testing at the following locations:

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Free COVID-19 testing, vaccines

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.

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Free COVID-19 testing, vaccines

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.

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The role of Blackness in the Hamline Islamic art controversy

We’ve heard little about the students who initiated the complaint and why they objected to a painting of the prophet.

In early October, Erika López Prater, a professor at Hamline University in Minnesota, showed her online Islamic art history class an image of the Prophet Muhammad. A Muslim student in the class complained, citing Islamic tradition barring representations of the prophet. Other students joined in to express their view that this incident was part of a larger problem of Islamophobia on campus. The administration agreed, and eventually Ms. López Prater’s contract to teach during the spring semester was rescinded.

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Creativity runs in the family

Father-son artists share gifts with the community

Jerome W. Jones Jr. and his son, Jeromyah, share a deep passion for painting. Their works, many featuring portraits of noted people, provides uplift, education and motivation to untold thousands who have viewed them at exhibits and online.

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VUU spokesperson blasts claims by doctoral student as ‘false, ill-advised, arbitrary and capricious’

Virginia Union University is pushing back against a student-written letter and online petition calling for an investigation and the removal of VUU President Hakim J. Lucas and Dr. W. Franklyn Richardson, chair of the VUU Board of Trustees.

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It’s time for the Down Home Family Reunion

The Elegba Folklore Society will host the 31st Down Home Family Reunion: A Celebration of African American Folklife on Saturday, Aug. 20, from 4 to 11 p.m. at Abner Clay Park, 200 W. Clay St.

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Harriet Tubman program Nov. 23 at Black History Museum

The life of Harriet Tubman and the impact of the Underground Railroad in Central Virginia will be the focus of a presentation by researcher and author Elvatrice Belsches at the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia, 122 W. Leigh St.

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Expanded Medicaid, more time for recess among new state laws

Hundreds of new Virginia laws went into effect Sunday, July 1.

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Area teachers win R.E.B. Awards

Six teachers with Richmond Public Schools have been recognized with 2019 R.E.B. Awards for Teaching Excellence totaling more than $64,000.

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Iron Blossom Music Festival returns

Tickets for the second annual Iron Blossom Music Festival go on sale this week.

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Documentary film director to speak at VCU

Ezra Edelman, director of the Oscar-winning documentary “O.J.: Made in America,” will discuss the topics of race and celebrity covered in the made-for-TV film at 3 p.m. Saturday, April 22, at Virginia Commonwealth University’s Grace Street Theater, 904 W. Grace St.

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Free flu shots Oct. 25

The Henrico County Health Department is offering free flu vaccinations to the public on Wednesday, Oct. 25, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Mount Vernon Adult Education Center, 7850 Carousel Lane and from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Eastern Henrico Health Clinic, 1400 N. Laburnum Ave.

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City to exchange gift cards for rifles, handguns, broken weapons

Richmond’s first gun buyback program — largely regarded by experts as a publicity stunt — is set for 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 20, at Liberation Church, 5501 Midlothian Turnpike, Mayor Levar M. Stoney announced Tuesday.

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Arthur Ashe Center agreement reached

A potential roadblock for the projected $2.4 billion Diamond District development appears to have been cleared, the Free Press has learned, though questions remain on other aspects.

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City Council again honors Richmond Free Press founders

City Council has approved a fresh honor for the founders of the Richmond Free Press.

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Fidelity launches teen accounts

Looking to draw in the next generation of investors, Fidelity Investments is launching a new type of account for teenagers to save, spend and invest their money.

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VCU Rams have tough time in Battle 4 Atlantis

A rising star freshman and a stifling defense are atop the reasons why Virginia Commonwealth University feels the wind as its back after three tense struggles in the Bahamas.

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Superintendent proposes 35.3 percent budget increase for RPS

Superintendent Jason Kamras is proposing a 35.3 percent operating budget increase to meet the district’s anticipated expenses for the 2023- 2024 school year.

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Oklahoma judge rules man who wrongfully spent nearly 50 years in prison for murder is innocent

An Oklahoma judge has exonerated a man who spent nearly 50 years in prison for murder, the longest serving inmate to be declared innocent of a crime.