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Faith leaders react to Chauvin verdict

As the Minneapolis judge thanked jurors for their “heavy-duty jury service” on Tuesday, reactions already had begun to the three guilty verdicts in the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin in the May 25 death of George Floyd.

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Personality: Dr. Madeline G. McClenney

Spotlight on president-founder of Exodus Foundation.org

Baptist minister, prison abolitionist and self-described “mass clemencyist.”

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Area commencements will be mix of in-person and virtual celebrations

Universities and colleges throughout the Richmond area have announced commencement plans designed to keep people safe while allowing for graduates and their families to celebrate.

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‘Gun control has nothing to do with guns; it is people control’

Letters to the editor

The purpose of this letter is correct myths surrounding the AR-15 rifle, the most popular rifle in America.

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Mustang Club revs engines to mark classic car’s 57th birthday, service award

Thomas Victory and the Victory 7 Mustang Club are celebrating a birthday on April 17 — the 57th birthday of the Ford Mustang.

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COVID-19 free testing

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.

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School Board taking control of new building construction

The Richmond School Board is taking back control of the design, development and construction of new schools, potentially blocking a City Hall plan to fast-track design and development of a replacement building for worn-out George Wythe High School.

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Land conservancy to acquire 5.2 acres on riverfront for parkland

Instead of private condos or offices, a major piece of Dock Street property that nestles the James River is on its way to becoming parkland everyone can use.

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Chauvin violated policy, training and ethics in pinning George Floyd, chief says

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo joined in condemning the actions of Derek Chauvin during the second week of the trial of the former officer charged with murdering George Floyd while he was in custody.

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Richmond Police records show 84 complaints filed against officers in 2020

How well are Richmond Police policing themselves to prevent the kind of hugely expensive and horrific mess created by former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin in his fatal arrest of George Floyd?

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Marijuana on track for legalization July 1

In landmark action Wednesday, the General Assembly put Virginia on track to legalize possession of a small amount of marijuana on July 1.

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Free COVID-19 testing

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.

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Confluence of events propels record number of Black candidates to statewide office

Historian Julian M. Hayter echoes in a phrase what many people say this election year is all about. “It reflects the ‘blueification’ of the state,” said Dr. Hayter, an associate professor of leadership studies at the University of Richmond, when assessing why so many African-Americans are running for Virginia’s top offices — including three Black Democratic candidates for governor, one Republican and one Libertarian Party candidate.

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Rapper DMX remains on life support

Supporters and family of the rapper DMX chanted his name and offered prayers Monday outside the New York hospital where he remains on life support.

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Justice is on trial, by Ben Jealous

The murder trial of former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin has begun, 10 months after George Floyd died in the street with Mr. Chauvin’s knee on his neck.

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‘I believe I witnessed a murder”

Witnesses to George Floyd’s deadly arrest in Minneapolis tell jury of their shock, horror

Darnella Frazier said she sometimes lays awake at night “apologizing to George Floyd for not doing more and not physically interacting and not saving his life.”

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Free COVID-19 testing

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.

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Personality: John W. Boyd Jr.

Spotlight on founder-president of the National Black Farmers Association

John Wesley Boyd Jr. is a man skilled in making waves, from the acres of crops in his fields to the halls of Congress in Washington, D.C.

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Area churches to celebrate Easter in various, special ways

Area churches are ready to celebrate Easter by welcoming congregants back to services both inside their sanctuaries and some outdoors.

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Gov. Northam signs Virginia Voting Rights Act

Gov. Ralph S. Northam has signed the Voting Rights Act of Virginia, making the Commonwealth the first state in the nation to enact its own voting rights act.