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Federal judges order redrawing of Scott’s district

This week, a divided federal court panel upheld critics’ complaints in finding that black voters were illegally overloaded into the district represented by Virginia’s lone black congressman, Rep. Robert C. “Bobby” Scott.

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How many homeless people will be sheltered this winter remains unclear

Finding adequate space also an issue, city officials say

City Hall is moving forward in trying to find nonprofits or churches and other faith-based groups with available space to house homeless people, at least during the winter.

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Franklin County elementary schoolteacher named Virginia’s 2021 Teacher of the Year

Virginia’s 2021 Teacher of the Year credits his fourth-grade teacher for helping him through the trauma of being put into foster care as a child and remaining a mentor to him throughout his childhood in Danville.

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The U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and what it means for Virginia

The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday overturned Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that had provided a constitutional right to abortion. The June 24 ruling is expected to lead to abortion bans in roughly half the states, although the timing of those laws taking effect varies.

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Collective bargaining vote delayed again

There will be a City Council vote to settle whether to allow city workers to engage in collective bargaining. The only mystery is when it will happen.

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We are over Chesterfield state Sen. Amanda Chase and her middle age Barbie twin, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia.

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Slavery was good?

Africans were so lucky to be captured, shipped in torturous conditions away from their homeland, stripped of their languages, kinship, religion and culture and bound into perpetual servitude in America so that they could learn “useful skills.” Pretty preposterous, right? Not for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

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Juneteenth events

One of the few lasting changes from the moment of “racial reckoning” that America experienced after the murder of Minnesota resident George Floyd was the federal recognition of Juneteenth as a national holiday in 2021.

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Biden taps diverse slate for top jobs

Backed by repeated state and U.S. Supreme Court affirmations that a majority of voters in America legally elected Democrat Joe Biden to be the next president of the United States, President-elect Biden and his teammate, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, have been steadily building a unique White House leadership team that dramatically reflects the nation’s diversity.

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Cardinal Elementary School officially dedicated

It was a monumental moment Monday as the ribbon was cut officially opening Cardinal Elementary School in South Side.

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Record number of Black candidates enter statewide races

A record 11 Black candidates are competing for the Democratic or Republican nomination for statewide office.

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City Public Defender’s Office gets award, no pay supplement

The Richmond Public Defender’s Office received high praise Monday night from City Council.

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Biden-Harris at 100 days, by Marc H. Morial

One hundred days into their administration, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have made surprisingly bold inroads in confronting racial injustice and the COVID-19 pandemic, but significant challenges remain.

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For our own healing, by Daryl V. Fraser

On my mind that day were my New Year’s resolutions, the brilliance of Stacy Abrams, Georgia’s election results, Jacob Blake and Breonna Taylor. Oh, yeah, and the insurrection.

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Grand jury clears officer who shot and killed Pharrell Williams’ cousin

A special grand jury found that a Virginia Beach police officer was justified in fatally shooting a man armed with a gun during a chaotic night of violence on the city’s oceanfront this spring, authorities said late last month.

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Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute offers sense of empowerment to program participants

Richmonder Karla Almendarez-Ramos says her professional and personal life have been enhanced by the empowerment of Virginia Commonwealth University’s Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute.

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Concerns about RPS mold, safety issues continue to spread

Complaints about mold in several Richmond Public Schools have persisted since the beginning of the current school year.

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America’s ticking fiscal time clock, by Charlene Crowell

For the second time this year, Congress’ inability to reach consensus on essential fiscal legislation has devolved into largely partisan bickering and literal, last-minute temporary financial Band-Aids. On Sept. 30, the last day of the 2022-2023 federal fiscal year, a continuing resolution (CR) provided a 45-day reprieve, just in time to meet a midnight deadline that would have resulted in a federal government shutdown.

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Unprecedented money flowing in Va. legislative races; latest reports show Dems with edge

Virginia legislative candidates raised $46 million over about four weeks in the month of October, according to newly filed finance disclosures, with Democrats collectively reporting a fundraising edge as this campaign season nears its end.

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Commencement 2023

VCU, VUU, VSU graduates celebrate diligence, hard work and promising futures

Mo Alie-Cox, who constantly brought excitement to Virginia Commonwealth University as a standout basketball player, brought that same energy during VCU’s graduation ceremonies on Saturday at the Greater Richmond Convention Center.