Coming home
10/11/2018, 6 a.m.

Virginia Union University 2018 Homecoming
Photo by James Haskins
Richmond Free Press
It was a whirlwind weekend for the hundreds of Virginia Union University alumni who returned to campus for the 2018 homecoming celebration. The theme: Return of the Black Panthers. From community service events to a Greek Day Party, Sunday gospel extravaganza and jazz brunch, fitness and yoga workouts, basketball tournament, fashion show and step show, the activities spanned from Sunday, Sept. 30, to Sunday, Oct. 7, on and off the Lombardy Street campus. The homecoming football game at Hovey Field saw the Panthers beat Lincoln University 90-0. During halftime, Mr. and Miss VUU, Travon Duncan and Trinity Gaskins are introduced to alumni and fans. Also putting on a show are the VUU Ambassadors of Sound Marching Band.