New VCU building to open
3/15/2019, 6 a.m.

Virginia Commonwealth University students soon will have new space to train for futures in occupational therapy, physical therapy, nurse anesthesia and other health fields.
Next Monday, March 18, the VCU College of Health Professions will cut the ribbon on its new $84.3 million home at 900 E. Leigh St. on the medical campus.
The 1:30 p.m. ceremony will be followed by tours of the 154,000-square-foot building that includes modern laboratories designed for patient simulation and diagnostic technology and flexible classrooms to promote distance learning.
The L-shaped building, which features an eight-story wing that faces west and a four-story wing that faces south, will go into use when the 2020 fall semester begins.
The college is now scattered over five buildings on VCU’s two campuses. With the new building, the college, which will mark its 50th year in 2020, will finally be in one place, with room for all of its nine academic units, a doctoral program in health-related sciences as well as the Virginia Center on Aging and the dean’s office.
Other disciplines to be housed in the building include gerontology or the study of aging, clinical laboratory science, patient counseling, patient therapy, radiation sciences, rehabilitation counseling and health administration.