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11% tuition hike

NSU and U.Va. among state’s highest

Once again, the price tag to attend Virginia’s 15 state-supported colleges and universities is going up faster than inflation. In-state students can expect to pay at least 3 to 5 percent more in the fall, with a few schools going even higher. For example, Norfolk State University and the University of Virginia are posting a tuition-and-fees increase of 11 percent for incoming freshmen — among the largest tuition hikes in Virginia. U.Va. is imposing a $1,470 increase for new freshmen with the aim of raising money to reduce borrowing for students from lower-income families. The increase means new freshmen will pay $14,468 for the fall and spring semesters, not including room and board. Tuition for current students will rise only 3.9 percent from the current charge of $12,998.

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VUU celebrates homecoming Oct. 2-9

Professor, author and national commentator Michael Eric Dyson will speak at Virginia Union University’s 2016 Convocation at 11 a.m. Friday, Oct. 7, at the Allix B. James Chapel of Coburn Hall on the campus, 1500 Lombardy St.

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Richmond Jazz Festival 2014

Musical joy filled the fifth edition of the Richmond Jazz Festival. The entertainment spectacular Saturday …

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VLBC outlines legislative priorities for new General Assembly session

Buoyed by two legislative sessions last year that ushered in huge reforms in voting and criminal justice, the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus is vowing to keep pressing for more change.

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DMV mobile service center to be outside City Hall on Sept. 7

The state Department of Motor Vehicles will operate its mobile customer service center outside Richmond City Hall, 900 E. Broad St. in Downtown, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 7.

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Metropolitan Business League to host candidates forum

The Metropolitan Business League is hosting a two-part candidates forum and town hall regarding small business in the state that will be held online.

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Televangelist Rev. Frederick K.C. ‘Fred’ Price, who built the ‘FaithDome’ in L.A. dies at 89

The Rev. Frederick K.C. “Fred” Price, the televangelist who built his Los Angeles ministry into one of the nation’s first Black megachurches, has died. He was 89.

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Music week features folk, hip-hop, jazz, metal, pop, rock, R&B and more

Entertainment will be in the spotlight during the first ever Richmond Music Week.

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Explanations sought on City Council's consulting contract cost

When a divided Richmond City Council voted 5-4 on Dec. 9 to proceed with hiring C.H. Johnson Consulting to review the $1.5 billion Richmond Coliseum replacement plan, most members had no idea that the company’s bid had come in 13 percent higher than the amount council had approved to pay a consultant.

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Black lives, dollars matter, by Julianne Malveaux

I would always smile when I saw Black Lives Matter T-shirts, until I saw one gracing the grubby back of a white man who had on both a BLM T-shirt and a MAGA — Make America Great Again — hat. I started to either take a photo or start a conversation because I knew somebody would accuse me of making the combination up.

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Population growth continues to widen affordability gap in Richmond

The need for more and varied affordable housing continues to grow in the Richmond region.

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Evangelist Creflo Dollar drops pitch for jet

The ministry of a prominent Georgia megachurch pastor and evangelist who teaches that God wants to bless the faithful with earthly riches has dropped a pitch for donations to buy a luxury jet valued at more than $65 million. The website of Creflo Dollar Ministries no longer features a message asking followers to “Sow your love gift of any amount” to help buy a Gulfstream G650 airplane. That message has disappeared.

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Chesterfield to stay in recycling program through Dec.

The Richmond region’s recycling program will remain intact at least through December. Chesterfield County is still mulling its future with the program and has agreed to participate for the rest of the year in the 10-year-old operation run by the Central Virginia Waste Management Authority.

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Economic inequality places most risk for eviction on Black people, poor, by Charlene Crowell

For the first time in more than two decades of research, every state now has renters who are nearing a financial breaking point in housing affordability. New research released by Har- vard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS), and Moody’s Analytics independently reach the same conclusion: Consumers are struggling with a growing percentage of their incomes going toward keeping a roof over their heads.

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Banking, the Black community and the Durbin Amendment, by Taikein M. Cooper

Access to banking, and all the opportunities it affords, is an absolute necessity for historically disenfranchised and marginalized communities. It’s how we pay for our everyday essentials, take out loans to start businesses or buy homes and attempt to build generational wealth to make the American Dream a reality.

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Bacon Festival sizzles Sunday

Love bacon? Then this is your weekend.

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Policy group’s awards event combines inspiration and celebration

Richmond Delegate Betsy B. Carr will be among the adult and student honorees whom the nonprofit Policy Pathways will salute during its fourth annual virtual Fall Celebration at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 20.

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Chesterfield schools to reopen for online learning in the fall; Henrico leaning toward virtual option

Chesterfield County Public Schools is following Richmond’s lead, approving reopening this fall for virtual learning only.