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Evergreen Cemetery sold to Enrichmond Foundation

Unkempt, but historic Evergreen Cemetery has a new owner eager to preserve and protect the burial ground for banker Maggie L. Walker, crusading journalist John Mitchell Jr. and as many as 50,000 other African-Americans. After months of talks, Enrichmond Foundation, the nonprofit support arm for city parks and recreation, completed the purchase of the 60-acre cemetery from a private family corporation.

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Consumers overtaxed? Receipts show it happened, but now changed

Be aware: Some corporations appear to be collecting more sales tax from customers than the state or local govern- ments require.

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Highland Park’s Highland Grove development halted

A long-awaited 122-unit subdivision that is supposed to rise on nearly 40 acres in the 500 block of Dove Street in Highland Park remains shut down.

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Dueling rallies

At left, a protester who identified herself as Gabriela Salong leads a chant during last Saturday’s rally at the Bell Tower in Capitol Square organized by ICE Out of RVA, a coalition of Latinos,

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Cityscape: Slice of life and scenes in Richmond

Dragon boat racing marked its 10th year in Richmond with a festive event Saturday highlighted by the paddle-powered competition on the James River.

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Profits marginalize Black patients

Good health is our greatest asset.

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Postal rates increasing

Effective Sunday, July 10, the price of a stamp to mail a letter will increase to 60 cents, up 2 cents from the current price of 58 cents.

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Ambulance charges may dramatically increase

$600 trips to medical centers could more than double

City Hall is pressuring the Richmond Ambulance Authority to nearly triple its charge for transporting patients to hospitals or other treatment centers based on a consulting firm’s recommendation, the Free Press has learned.

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Glen Lea teacher receives health and physical education award after facing personal health challenges

When diagnosed with heart failure during the 2021-2022 school year, Glen Lea Elementary School educator Dexter Price did not plan to continue teaching.

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Richmond Circuit Court clears way for ballot initiative on schools vs. Coliseum

The Richmond Circuit Court this week cleared the way for political strategist Paul Goldman to launch a challenge to a brewing $1.2 billion proposal to replace the 47-year-old Richmond Coliseum.

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Joan B. Winston, executive director of the former Gold Bowl, dies at 88

Joan Loretta Banks Winston was often considered the “glue” that held organizations together.

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Writing competition open to RPS students

The Game Changer Citywide Writing Competition, exclusively for Richmond Public Schools students, is open through Feb. 1, 2023. Contestants have the opportunity for students to win up to $500.

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Grant funds to benefit babies, ex-inmates and low-wealth families

City Hall is planning to provide $115,000 to help low-income families gain baby supplies under ordinances that City Council is scheduled to approve next Monday, Jan. 23.

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Norfolk State scores a win, finally, over Morgan State

No, it’s not a misprint. Norfolk State University really does sit all alone in first place in the MEAC football standings.

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Altria Theater lights up with new acoustics, amenities

Revamped acoustics — including a new sound system and sound-absorbing materials — are among the biggest changes in the grand venue once known as The Mosque and Richmond’s Landmark Theater.

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Prayers for peace

Imam Irfan Ali Shah of the Islamic Center of Henrico offers prayers in remembrance of the victims of the Easter Sunday bombings at three Christian churches and three luxury hotels in Sri Lanka that claimed the lives of more than 250 people and wounded 500 others.

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City property values on the rise in many areas

Richmond’s land book of assessed values shows why affordable housing is now a big issue.

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Jury selection begins in federal lawsuit against white supremacist organizers of deadly Charlottesville ‘Unite the Right’ rally

The violence at the white nationalists “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville in 2017 shocked the nation, with people beaten to the ground, lighted torches thrown at counterdemonstrators and a self- proclaimed Hitler admirer ramming his car into a crowd, killing a woman and injuring dozens more.