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Commencement 2023

VCU, VUU, VSU graduates celebrate diligence, hard work and promising futures

Mo Alie-Cox, who constantly brought excitement to Virginia Commonwealth University as a standout basketball player, brought that same energy during VCU’s graduation ceremonies on Saturday at the Greater Richmond Convention Center.

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W&M dedicates memorial to those who were enslaved by the university

William & Mary, the nation’s second oldest institution of higher education, dedicated a brick memorial last Saturday that honors people who were enslaved by the university.

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City Council authorizes mayor to accept Lee monument and land from state

The traffic circle at Monument and Allen avenues where the giant monument to Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee once stood will soon belong to the City of Richmond.

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Gov. Northam calls for elimination of state tax on groceries

Virginians would pay a smaller tax on groceries and receive an income tax rebate of up to $500 under outgoing Gov. Ralph S. Northam’s budget proposal rolled out on Tuesday.

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Virginia hopes to remove time capsule along with Lee statue

If a court clears the way, the state of Virginia expects to remove not just a soaring statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee from Richmond’s historic Monument Avenue, but also a little-known piece of history tucked inside the massive sculpture’s base: A 134-year-old time capsule.

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It’s not over yet

Just days after the U.S. Senate acquits former President Trump, Congressman Bennie Thompson of Mississippi files a lawsuit to hold him responsible for inciting insurrection at the U.S. Capitol

One thing is for certain, there was no surprise.

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VMI superintendent resigns after probe ordered of ‘ongoing structural racism’

The superintendent of Virginia Military Institute resigned Mon- day, a week after Gov. Ralph S. Northam and other state officials ordered an investigation into what they characterized as a culture of “ongoing structural racism” at the college.

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Voter registration deadline extended through Oct. 15

Virginians have until 11:59 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 15 to register to vote because of a 48- hour extension negotiated in court after the state’s online voter registration system went down Tuesday because of an accidentally severed cable.

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Trump uses Black people to defend him at RNC

President Trump has aggressively asserted control over the Republican National Convention, a four-day event that started Monday and featured African-Americans defending the president’s history of racist rhetoric and actions. Former NFL star Herschel Walker, speaking on the opening night, defended President Trump, whom he called a “personal friend,” and said he isn’t a racist.

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Civil rights groups to commemorate 57th anniversary of historic March on Washington

A series of events led by a coalition of civil rights groups such as the NAACP, the National Action Network and a coalition, including Martin Luther King III and the families of George Floyd, Eric Garner and Breonna Taylor, will commemorate the 57th anniversary of the historic March on Washington that was led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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Payback? Questions raised about charges against Sen. Lucas

State Sen. Louise Lucas of Portsmouth, a key power broker and one of the highest ranking African-Americans in the General Assembly, has been charged with conspiracy to damage a Confederate monument during protests in Portsmouth that also led to a demonstrator being critically injured when the statue was knocked down.

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Dems pull out big guns to energize virtual convention for Biden

Democrats launched the third day of their virtual national convention on Wednesday, with headliners broadening the focus from a multipart rebuke of President Trump to an energizing message of change in boosting former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential bid.

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Rep. John Lewis

A lion of the Civil Rights Movement and ‘conscience of Congress’ dies at 80

Congressman John Lewis of Georgia, a lion of the Civil Rights Movement whose bloody beating by Alabama state troopers in 1965 helped galvanize opposition to racial segregation, and who went on to a long and celebrated career in Congress, died late Friday, July 17, 2020. He was 80.

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Gov. Northam announces plan to reopen schools in the fall

Richmond Public Schools teachers and students are to return to in-person classes after a long summer break, but with strict new social distancing guidelines aimed at preventing the spread of the coronavirus.

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Legendary debate coach, Dr. Thomas F. Freeman Sr., dies at 100

Richmond native Thomas Franklin Freeman Sr. transformed historically black Texas Southern University into a national powerhouse in debate.

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President Obama inspires Class of 2020, adroitly criticizes current leaders for mishandling pandemic crisis

Hours after former President Obama delivered two measured and inspiring na- tional commencement speeches to the Class of 2020 college and high school graduates last Saturday, social media lit up with comments of “Great speech, Mr. Obama. We miss you!” and “That’s what a president should be like. November 2020 can’t get here soon enough.”

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State executioner who turned against the death penalty dies at 67

For 17 years, Jerry Bronson Givens carried out death sentences as Virginia’s chief executioner. The Richmond native then spent the rest of his life crusading against the death penalty.

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Class of 2020 has hope in President Obama

Could Barack Obama deliver a national graduation address to students? Stay tuned.

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David C. Driskell, noted artist, art historian, curator and collector, dies at 88

David C. Driskell, one of the nation’s most influential African-American artists and a leading authority on black art, has died. He was 88.

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Rev. Joseph Lowery, head of SCLC and dean of civil rights veterans, dies at 98

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery fought to end segregation, lived to see the election of the country’s first African-American president and echoed the call for “justice to roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream” in America.
