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Voter registration deadline extended through Oct. 15
Virginians have until 11:59 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 15 to register to vote because of a 48- hour extension negotiated in court after the state’s online voter registration system went down Tuesday because of an accidentally severed cable.

Henrico County’s leaf collection starts Nov. 7
Henrico County will begin providing annual leaf collection services starting Monday, Nov. 7, with both free and paid options available for county residents.

Fifth Street Baptist, Richmond Convention Center free Thanksgiving meal sites
Two free Thanksgiving dinners are being prepared for the Richmond community.

June 16 deadline approaching for absentee ballot applications
Early voting in the upcoming Tuesday, June 23, primary is underway. Rule changes are making it fairly easy to vote absentee ahead of Election Day in the contests to choose Democratic and Republican nominees to run for seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate.

‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’
Virginia’s Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over DUI enforcement and public education campaign is back on Virginia’s roads this holiday season. Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over, formerly known as Checkpoint Strikeforce, combines law enforcement efforts with research-based outreach to remind Virginians to plan for a safe ride home after drinking.

Anguish of a nation
From memorial services to protests, numerous questions arise after senseless killings
“Can we all get along? Can we get along? Can we stop making it, making it horrible …?” The late Rodney King spoke those memorable words as he called for calm in 1992 after the acquittal of four white police officers who were videotaped savagely beating him triggered riots in Los Angeles.

VSU launches no-cost tuition initiative for qualified high school seniors
A federal Pell Grant will be all 300 qualified high school seniors in Richmond and other nearby localities must have financially to enroll as full-time students at Virginia State University in the fall.

New authority to oversee Henrico County’s sports and entertainment venues
Henrico County is being proactive about its plans for sports tourism with its new Henrico Sports & Entertainment Authority that will oversee an increasing number of public-private facilities in the county.

Richmond School Board shelves school closings
Armstrong High School will not be closed. Nor will four Richmond elementary schools — Cary, Overby-Sheppard, Southampton and Swansboro. And there will be no merger of two alternative schools.

June is Pride month
Richmond once again is raising the Progress Pride flag over City Hall to open Pride Month in the city.

Virginia Shelton, 108, was known for her fun-loving spirit
Known as “She She” or “Aunt Sis” to her family and friends, Mrs. Shelton impressed everyone with her vivacity, grace and dignity.

Electronic system allows voters to sign petitions for candidates to get on Democratic primary ballot
Signing a statewide candidate’s petition to get on the June 8 Democratic primary ballot just got extremely easy for registered voters.

The holidays are here
Highlights include RVA Illuminates, Christmas Parade, Soul Santa
Richmond will officially kick off the holiday season this weekend with several popular events.

PROC Foundation hosts 27th Beautillion
The achievements of four beaux (young men) will be recognized during the Profes- sionals Reaching Out to the Community (PROC) Founda- tion’s 27th Beautillion on Nov. 11 at the Greater Richmond Convention Center. The Beautillion offers high school juniors and seniors educational, social and cultural experiences, along with the chance to earn a college schol- arship during the eight-month Beautillion program. The theme of this year’s Beautillion is “Creating the Nar- rative for a Better Tomorrow.” During the black-tie event, educational and book scholar- ships will be awarded. This year’s participants include: Matthew Lamar Edwards – A junior at Matoaca High School, he is the son of Mr. Marvin L. Edwards and Mrs. Letitia M. Edwards. His escort is J’adore Cadet. Bishop Ramon Foster – A

Summer Academy offers students lessons in leadership, public service
Richmond high school and college students can gain political skills and knowledge during the upcoming Summer Academy for Policy Leadership and Public Service. The academy runs from Sunday, June 23, to Saturday, July 6, and is organized by Policy Pathways Inc. The program will be hosted in partnership with the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University.

Mustang Club revs engines to mark classic car’s 57th birthday, service award
Thomas Victory and the Victory 7 Mustang Club are celebrating a birthday on April 17 — the 57th birthday of the Ford Mustang.

New leader of Richmond Crusade for Voters
Jerome Legions Jr. is now the former president of the Richmond Crusade for Voters.

Longtime Henrico County educator Marilyn Hinson Royal dies
Marilyn (Elise) Hinson Royal, a trailblazing force at the intersection of teaching, learning, and leadership, died on Friday, Nov. 24, 2023, leaving behind a legacy as vast as the universe she inspired her students to explore.

New principals appointed at RPS schools
Richmond Public Schools welcomed one new principal and five new interim principals with the start of a new school year and Superintendent Jason Kamras used his daily newsletter, RPS Direct, to give each of the appointees a brief introduction last Thursday.

Breakfast with Bernie
Bernie Sanders had breakfast in New York with the Rev. Al Sharpton just hours after trouncing Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire Democratic presidential nominating contest Tuesday. His meeting with the iconic civil rights leader marked the recognition by Mr. Sanders that his campaign must swiftly broaden its base of support if he has any chance of mounting a long-term challenge to Mrs. Clinton, who consistently polls better among African-American voters.