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GRTC slated to start CARE-on-demand service Aug.1

Roderyck Bullock is gaining a new transportation option. Beginning Tuesday, Aug. 1, the Richmonder will be able to use a new Uber-style, on-demand service that GRTC is putting in place to upgrade service to the elderly and disabled who rely on the company’s CARE paratransit service.

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City workers launch campaign for collective bargaining

City Hall employees this week launched their campaign to gain the right to collectively bargain over wages and working conditions.

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Confederate pedestals out

Grass and landscaping to soon replace dead soldiers

Richmond’s streets and parks will soon lose virtually all vestiges of the white-supremacist Confederate statues and monuments that once loomed so large.

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Judge throws out felony charges against Morrissey

Joseph D. “Joe” Morrissey no longer has four felony charges hanging over his head. Judge Alfred D. Swersky threw out the indictments facing the former General Assembly member Wednesday at a hearing in Henrico County Circuit Court. Judge Swersky, who was appointed to hear the case, agreed with defense attorney Anthony Troy that a previous plea deal that resulted in Mr. Morrissey serving 90 days in jail included a grant of immunity that blocked prosecutors from bringing any new charges related to that case.

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VSU placed on warning by accrediting agency

Virginia State University, which has been tussling with the state auditor over its financial reporting, now has taken a slap from the regional group that accredits the historic Petersburg area school. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools announced last week that VSU has been placed on warning, a sanction imposed for failing to provide evidence it was in compliance with all of the group’s standards.

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More payouts

3 City Council aides receive $97,000 total in severance, vacation pay

Richmond City Council quietly approved severance packages totaling more than $97,000 for three departing council employees even as council members expressed shock and dismay over similar payments to four departing employees of former Mayor Dwight C. Jones.

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Dr. Frank S. Royal steps down as chair of Meharry Medical College

For decades, Dr. Frank S. Royal regularly flew to Nashville to lead board meetings at historic Meharry Medical College. But at 77, the retired Richmond physician has decided “it is time to let someone else take over.”

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Fight brewing over Richmond NAACP leadership

A leadership fight has entangled the Richmond Branch NAACP. President Lynetta Thompson is facing opposition in her bid for re-election to a second, two-year term. Her challengers are Dr. Ravi K. Perry, an associate professor of political science at Virginia Commonwealth University, and James J. “J.J.” Minor, chairman of the Richmond City Democratic Committee and son of Richmond Delegate Delores L. McQuinn.

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Wells Fargo to give $4M to HOME to expand black home ownership

Five years ago, banking giant Wells Fargo paid more than $200 million to settle documented government allegations that it deliberately charged African-American borrowers higher fees and interest rates on home loans.

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Former Chesterfield NAACP president files defamation suit against branch treasurer

The former president of the Chesterfield Branch NAACP is seeking payback after being accused of embezzling branch funds last year in a case that ultimately was dismissed.

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Judge steps down

Richmond Circuit Court Judge Bradley B. Cavedo recuses himself from Confederate statue cases as formal complaint filed against him with judicial commission

Richmond Circuit Court Judge Bradley B. Cavedo has given up his fight to preserve the statues of racist Confederate gener- als in the city, potentially opening the door to removal of the biggest statue of all — the one to Robert E. Lee at Monument and Allen avenues.

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City Council members file legislation to halt bike lanes in North Side

Two City Council members want to kill City Hall plans to turn one travel lane on both sides of Brook Road over to bicycles between Azalea Avenue and Charity Street.

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City denies owing overtime pay to former mayor’s security detail

That is City Hall’s response to a lawsuit that four members of former Mayor Dwight C. Jones’ executive protection detail have filed alleging they were denied overtime pay when they worked more than 40 hours a week. The legal tussle over pay is now underway in federal court in Richmond and pits Richmond Police Officers Charles Battle, Errol Fernandez, Anthony Franklin and Eric Godfrey against the city.

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Lawmakers hope Virginia will push ERA over finish line

A bipartisan group of five legislators will try again to get the Virginia General Assembly to pass the Equal Rights Amendment in the next legislative session.

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Absence marks Emancipation Proclamation Day service

Jan. 1 marks one of the greatest days in American history — the day when President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to abolish slavery amid the raging Civil War.

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City Council to hear new Confederate statue resolution

The battle over Richmond’s Confederate statues on Monument Avenue is headed back to City Council. The three-member Land Use, Housing and Transportation Committee voted unanimously Tuesday to send a new resolution aimed at giving the city control of the statues to the nine-member council for consideration.

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Mayor says Coliseum plan on hold for now

The $1.4 billion plan to replace the Richmond Coliseum and build new offices, hotels, retail stores and more than 2,800 apartments in 10 blocks near City Hall has been moved off the fast track.

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Hearing set for Aug. 8 on Agelasto removal

Former 5th District City Councilman Henry W. “Chuck” Richardson finally may get a hearing on his motion to oust the district’s current council representative, Parker C. Agelasto, from office because Mr. Agelasto lives outside the district.