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Our dollars as a form of resistance, by Julianne Malveaux

Our nation’s gross domestic product, or GDP, is a function of consumer spending. We are prodded, cajoled, enticed and engaged in the spending exercise, and all that happens because money makes the world go round.

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Cicilia Koisenke visits Richmond to nurture her Maasai home

Nearly 14 years ago, Richmonder Suzanne Hall traveled to Southern Sudan as part of a St. James’s Episcopal Church medical mission to administer meningitis vaccinations to children in that region.

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Pulse to start service June 24

That’s the day GRTC will launch the biggest overhaul of bus service in generations, one the company hopes that regular riders will cheer and that will bring new people to use public transit.

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VSU’s 2022 graduates heralded for hard work, sacrifices and technological savvy

Cheering family, friends and loved ones celebrated the achievements of Virginia State University’s nearly 500 graduates on May 14 at the VSU Multi-Purpose Center.

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Cori Bush is ‘my hero!’, by Julianne Malveaux

Missouri Congresswoman Cori Bush was once homeless. She wrote movingly about sleeping with her babies in her car, with no place to go, nowhere to wash except a McDonald’s restroom, nowhere to exhale.

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Recount results in GOP control of House of Delegates

A three-judge panel overseeing a recount in a close House of Delegates race upheld the Republican candidate’s victory last Friday, a decision that also reaffirms the GOP’s takeover of the chamber and completes the party’s sweep of last month’s elections.

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Best-selling author Clint Smith is keynote speaker at VMFA symposium

Author, journalist, poet and scholar Clint Smith says he has been overwhelmed by the enthusiastic and positive response to his best-selling book “How the Word is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America.”

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Black candidates gain historic election results

History was made Tuesday night with the election of a record number of Black candidates to the General Assembly. Of the 53 Black candidates who ran for legislative seats, a record 32 won, including 30 Democrats and two Republicans.

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JMI, VSU summit dips into global issues

Best-selling author Bakari Sellers, former Google exec Jewel Burks-Solomon among speakers

Bakari Sellers’ 2020 memoir “My Vanishing Country,” is filled with delicious morsels that stay with readers long after they’ve been digested.

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McEachin sworn in

U.S. Rep. A. Donald McEachin of Henrico County was sworn in as a member of the 115th Congress on Tuesday at a ceremony at the U.S. Capitol in Washington.

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VCU grad starts STEAM conference for girls

Dozens of middle school girls from across the Richmond area will troop into Virginia Commonwealth University’s daVinci Center for Innovation on Friday, July 21.

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Pastor delivers ‘fake news’ at White House Black History Month meeting

The Rev. Darrell Scott, pastor of the New Spirit Revival Center in the Cleveland, Ohio, area, a speaker at the Republican National Convention and a member of the Trump Transition Team Executive

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School Board makes no change to North Side attendance zones

The Richmond School Board voted 6-3 Monday to reject a plan to modify school attendance zones in North Side.

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Richmond's housing issues have long history

Richmond must do a lot of work to solve its eviction problem that gives it the second highest eviction rate per capita in the nation.

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Richmond School Board grapples with $24.5M budget shortfall

The Richmond School Board is holding a special meeting 6 p.m. Thursday, April 23, to continue discussing how to handle a $24.5 million shortfall in the proposed 2020-21 budget from the loss of city revenue stemming from the coronavirus pandemic.

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Markers unveiled honoring the late Dorothy I. Height, with small error

The unveiling of a new historical marker saluting late Richmond native Dorothy I. Height for her role as a national civil rights leader was a gala affair. Sunday’s event drew a big crowd to the ceremony at First Baptist Church of South Richmond on Decatur Street that included several of Ms. Height’s relatives, Mayor Levar M. Stoney, Lt. Gov. Justin E. Fairfax, Gov. Ralph S. Northam and other officials and admirers of the woman former President Obama called the “godmother of the Civil Rights Movement.”

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Dr. King’s principles and voice will guide future generations

On March 25, 1968, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, among the leading theologians and Jewish philosophers of the 20th century, spoke what many historians believe to have been prophetic words about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Only 10 days before he was assassinated, Dr. King was keynote speaker at a birthday celebration honoring Rabbi Heschel. The rabbi introduced him to an audience of at least 500 other rabbis with the following words:

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FBI finds Hillary Clinton careless, but not criminal in use of private email server

The FBI recommended Tuesday that no criminal charges be filed over Hillary Clinton’s use of private email servers while she was secretary of state, but rebuked the Democratic U.S. presidential candidate for “extremely careless” handling of classified information.

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Independent review slated of Charlottesville events

More than 200 clergy, activists and citizens began a 10-day march this week from Emancipation Park in Charlottesville to Washington in a public show of resistance to the white supremacists who brought violence and death to the city earlier this month.

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Poor People’s Campaign vows to continue push to end poverty, racism, militarism

A multiracial, intergenerational crowd of thousands of social justice activists, union workers and people of faith prayed, cheered and listened intently last Saturday as speakers on the National Mall called for a re-energized approach to fighting poverty and other social ills they say are plaguing the country.