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Free COVID-19 testing, vaccinations

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.

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Free COVID-19 testing, vaccines

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.

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Free COVID-19 testing and vaccines

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.

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More time?

Civil rights group files lawsuit seeking extension of Va. voter registration deadline due to statewide computer crash

Virginia could become the latest state under federal court order to extend voter registration because of a disaster. The disaster in Virginia, however, is no hurricane, but a computer system.

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Good Samaritan Ministries opens summer camp

Pastor Michael D. McClary has spent nearly 30 years helping alcoholics and drug users in Richmond follow the Christian road to recovery that transformed him from an addict to a minister. The 65-year-old minister has undertaken the effort as the founder and executive director of the nonprofit Good Samaritan Ministries on South Side.

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Officer’s jobs program puts men on right side of law

Jeffrey Perry served 18 years in prison for his role in an armed robbery. Shaun Moore served two separate stints behind bars — seven months for possession of drugs with intent to distribute and, later, four months for failure to pay child support.

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Private contractors costing city big $ for snow removal

When snow falls in Richmond, City Hall is forced to pay big bucks to private contractors to clear the streets. The reason: Up to half of the aging fleet of city dump trucks that double as snowplows are usually parked, awaiting repairs, according to a new report from the Department of Public Works.

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‘Put our children first’ when it comes to education

As a native of Prince Edward County, I think the number of folks using the Brown v. Board of Education decision to perpetuate their respective narratives regarding the state of our public schools, specifically Richmond Public Schools, is appalling.

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Life interrupted

Coronavirus pandemic disrupts work, study and play as the number of cases rises throughout the state

Coronavirus has been uncovered in Virginia’s capital city, adding to the anxiety and concern about the illness.

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Pushback: Individuals, coalitions raising questions, opposition to mayor’s $1.4B Coliseum development plan

As Mayor Levar M. Stoney and representatives of the Navy Hill District Corp. stump throughout the city to marshal support for the $1.4 billion plan to replace the Richmond Coliseum, resistance is beginning to appear.

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Free community testing for COVID-19 continues

The Richmond and Henrico County health districts are offering testing at the following locations:

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Free community testing for COVID-19 continues

The Richmond and Henrico County health districts are offering testing at the following locations:

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Philanthropy steps up during the COVID-19 crisis

The rapid spread of COVID-19 has created a statewide and global health and economic crisis that is testing the fabric of people and communities and area charities as needs expand.

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Pipeline benefits don’t justify the risks

I voted “No." on a bill to force President Obama to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. The pipeline would run 1,700 miles from Alberta, Canada, to the Gulf Coast of Texas.

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Trojans’ first home game to cover new turf

Virginia State University will have a new football coach and a new football field to start the 2022 season.

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Millions of Americans will save on Medicare fees next year

For the first time in a decade, Americans will pay less next year on monthly premiums for Medicare’s Part B plan, which covers routine doctors’ visits and other outpatient care.

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Bagby to lead Va. Legislative Black Caucus

Henrico Delegate Lamont Bagby will lead the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus in the 2018 General Assembly session.

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State sales tax holiday this weekend

With the new school year on the horizon and hurricane season already here, consumers in Richmond and across the state will automati- cally save 5.3 percent on back-to-school and hurricane supplies this weekend.

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VMFA to host women's empowerment forum this Saturday

Jean Patterson Boone, publisher of the Richmond Free Press, will be among a host of women panelists speaking at “Ascend and Lead: A Women’s Empowerment Forum,” sponsored by the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 19, at the museum, 200 N. Arthur Ashe Blvd.

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Shattered wings

City cuts bird-safe glass from new community centers

As plans for three new community centers in Richmond took shape, an internal City Hall review committee recommended that the windows and glazing on the buildings be designed in a way that would reduce the risk of birds being killed by smashing into them. However, without any explanation, Mayor Levar M. Stoney’s administration rejected the modest change that the Urban Design Committee (UDC) sought.