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Budget blowup splits mayor, City Council

Relations between Mayor Levar M. Stoney and City Council disintegrated Wednesday as council poised to make a modest cut in departmental spending and reject his proposed 9-cent increase in the property tax rate.

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Frank Mason makes debut with Sacramento Kings

After being left on the launching pad two games, Frank Mason’s NBA career has officially taken off. After consecutive “DNPs” (Did Not Play) in the box scores, the former Petersburg High School and University of Kansas guard made his debut with the Sacramento Kings last Saturday.

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Hampton picks Prunty to lead Pirates

Hampton University will be moving into a new conference, the Big South, with a new football coach, Robert Prunty. “I’m up for the challenge,” Coach Prunty said during a introductory news conference Dec. 9 at the HU Student Center. “I didn’t come here to lose, make no mistake about that,” he said. “You’ve got a winner now.”

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Civil rights groups decry tax bill impact

President Trump and Republicans are heralding their new tax legislation as a major help to middle class Americans and as a certain way of boosting the economy by cutting the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent

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Federal commission approved for 400th commemoration of Africans, African-Americans in U.S.

In late August 1619, a storm-tossed English warship flying a Dutch flag stopped at one of the earliest English settlements in Virginia and changed the future of America and the world.

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VSU Trojans’ dream season ends with loss in playoffs

Virginia State University’s magic carpet ride of a football season has coasted to a close. So let the warm memories begin.

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Local organization part of federal suit challenging EPA's new lead standards

A Richmond woman who has fought to end lead contamination in homes and drinking water in the metro area is taking on the Trump administration for allegedly undermining the regulation of the health-damaging metal.

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More problems for RPS with undercount of ESL students

Richmond Public Schools has a history of undercounting students needing English as a Second Language assistance, creating a loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars in state funding that could help provide more ESL teachers in the city, a schools official told members of the Richmond School Board on Monday.

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Federal appeals court strikes down state’s ‘habitual drunkard’ law

An 85-year-old Virginia law that allows alcoholics to be labeled “habitual drunkards” and locked up if found with liquor is unconstitutional, a Richmond-based federal appeals court ruled Tuesday.

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City demands East End church pay delinquent taxes

Nearly 30 years ago, Mount Olivet Church went on a buying spree and acquired 12 properties adjacent to the church in the 1200 block of North 25th Street in the East End.

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VSU Trojans their own biggest opponent in 44-21 loss to NSU

Turnovers taste great fresh off the griddle, but can cause indigestion on the gridiron. Virginia State University is 0-1 largely because of its inability to hang on to the football.

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‘Juneteenth: A Freedom Celebration’ set for this weekend

On June 19, 1865, U.S. Gen. Gordon Granger took control of Texas, the last major element of the defeated Confederacy, and immediately announced, “All slaves are free.” His words triggered celebrations.

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Anne Holton new interim president of George Mason

She has been called “First Lady,” “Your honor,” “Madame Secretary” and now “President.” Anne Holton, wife of Virginia’s U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine, has been named interim president of George Mason University in Northern Virginia.

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U.S. Supreme Court upholds Bladensburg Peace Cross

A 40-foot-tall cross-shaped war memorial standing on public land in Maryland does not represent an impermissible government endorsement of religion, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in a major decision testing the boundaries of the federal Constitution’s separation of church and state.

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Taylor to vie for Democratic nomination for city commonwealth’s attorney

Newly appointed Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney Colette W. McEachin will have at least one challenger in her bid to replace her predecessor, Michael N. Herring, who is now in private legal practice.

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Blue Sox win MJBL Tournament; players welcome Inner City Classic

Aspiring ballplayers from through- out the United States and the Caribbean are converging on the Richmond area this week for the National Metropolitan Junior Baseball League Inner City Classic.

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Lady Justices head to state quarterfinals

Don’t forget the John Marshall girls.

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Shame, shade in Birmingham

If anyone deserves a civil rights award, Angela Davis certainly does. The activist and scholar has been on the front lines of the Civil Rights Movement all of her life. She has been especially active in prison reform matters and other civil and human rights issues.

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GRTC announces service changes beginning Sept. 13

On Sunday, Sept. 13, GRTC will usher in a series of service changes.

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Kuany is VCU’s sure shot

If VCU is looking for someone to take a shot, from any spot on the floor, at any time, Kuany Kuany is willing and able.