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Bus Rapid Transit

Can Richmond afford to maintain proposed expensive bus service?

Can Richmond afford to operate the proposed Bus Rapid Transit system that promises speedier travel and is described as the biggest revamp in public bus service in the city in at least 50 years?

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Soaring property taxes renew calls for cuts

Two members of City Council are proposing to cut the real estate property tax rate as the value of property surged by 13 percent — but it is unclear whether Mayor Levar M. Stoney or the majority the nine-member council will go along.

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Supply and demand

City’s ‘housing crisis’ calls for 23,000 affordable living spaces

Seeking to put fresh emphasis on an issue that has been on the agenda for at least a decade, City Council on Monday followed through and joined Mayor Levar M. Stoney in “declaring a housing crisis in the city of Richmond.”

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China’s new policy threatening recycling in U.S.

At least half the cans, bottles, plastics and paper collected for recycling used to end up in one place — China. Now China has decided to stop accepting most of the recycled materials that it once purchased. And that decision is having huge ripple effects on recycling programs in Richmond, as well as other communities in this country and overseas.

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Dr. Reavis to retire as seminary president

Fifteen years ago, Dr. Ralph Reavis Sr. went to Lynchburg to save his alma mater, Virginia University of Lynchburg. Now the former Richmond pastor is preparing to step down as president of the historically black Baptist college and seminary that he believes has been restored to full health — with more than 10 times the enrollment than when he started. “When I got here, there were only 32 students on campus,” Dr. Reavis said. Today, more than 400 students are taking courses on the campus, online or in a satellite program on the Northern Neck in Eastern Virginia.

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Historic cemetery’s cleanup has drawn nearly 8,000 volunteer visits

The Friends of East End Cemetery are marking the five-year anniversary of cleaning up and restoring the historic African-American burial ground in Eastern Henrico County.

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Council approves Highland Park housing units, ban on wild animals, and more honorary street signs

Rushing to get to their August recess, City Council spent less than 90 minutes passing more than 40 pieces of mostly routine legislation that largely involved approvals of special use permits for development and authorizations for future transportation projects.

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Land conservancy to acquire 5.2 acres on riverfront for parkland

Instead of private condos or offices, a major piece of Dock Street property that nestles the James River is on its way to becoming parkland everyone can use.

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HumanKind’s direct cash funds may soon dry up

Concern is growing over the dwindling money in a family crisis fund that Richmond created to provide direct cash payments.

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Richmond Christian Center to search for new pastor

The Richmond Christian Center is moving to replace its founding pastor, Steve Parson. Two months after emerging from bankruptcy, the fundamentalist South Side church announced Tuesday that it has begun a search for a new full-time pastor to be in place by July.

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Mayor seeks to change definition of emerging small business

For more than 15 years, City Hall has sought to use its purchasing power to boost start-up and fledgling companies, often with minority ownership, that generally bring in less than $500,000 a year in revenue and have 10 or fewer employees.

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City Council looks to ease zoning for homeless shelter locations

City Council this week took the first step toward lifting zoning restrictions that have largely limited homeless shelters to Downtown and low-income sections of the city.

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Plan collapses for South Side homeless shelter and services center

It’s back to the drawing board for City Hall and Commonwealth Catholic Charities in seeking a new space for a shelter and resource center for the homeless in Richmond.

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City Council approves use of Giles Center for winter overflow shelter

Homeless people once again will find shelter on bitter cold days at the Annie Giles Community Resource Center in Shockoe Valley, if they can get there.

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RRHA approves developer’s plans for Jackson Ward hotel

$35M project among largest awarded to a Black-owned firm

Michael A. “Mike” Hopkins is on track to achieve his 20-year-old dream of developing a hotel in Richmond.

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Barbers strike at Fort Lee and Fort Pickett after attempts to cut pay

Military personnel at Fort Lee and Fort Pickett in Virginia are struggling to get haircuts.

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Retired pediatrician Dr. Cynthia Charity succumbs at 73

Dr. Cynthia Anne McClennon Charity sought to keep a generation of Richmond children healthy.

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Ground-breaking ceremony Saturday for VCU’s new inpatient children’s hospital

Workers are still tearing down the old mirror-faced Marshall Street Pavilion — once an outpatient center for children — on the medical campus of Virginia Commonwealth University.

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She’s lovin’ it

Former Richmonder’s career with McDonald’s has made her a millionaire

Flipping burgers leads to millionaire status

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Sharon Baptist Church building no longer for sale

Sharon Baptist Church in Jackson Ward is still on the market, according to a major Richmond real estate company’s website.