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All results / Stories / Jeremy M. Lazarus

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Changes at 2 North Side funeral homes

They may deal with death, but two venerable, African-American-owned funeral homes in North Side are getting new life. The former W.S. Watkins & Son Funeral Home at 2700 North Ave. has new owners who vow to rebuild the 84-year-old business.

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City housing director, church leaders discuss shelter options

$3M on the table for homeless

Ninth District City Councilman Michael J. Jones hopes a network of churches can be developed to provide shelter for the homeless during inclement weather, particularly during winter cold.

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Obamacare still vital

Signature health care law remains intact despite GOP assaults

Don’t panic if you bought individual or family health insurance coverage through the Affordable Care Act marketplaces. The ACA, a.k.a. Obamacare, is struggling but still alive and will continue to operate, according to experts in the field, despite President Trump’s decision last week to cut off premium subsidies to insurance companies.

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‘Voices from the Garden’ monument in Capitol Square to honor Va. women

A new monument to Virginia women is planned to rise in about two-and-a-half years on the grounds of the State Capitol to celebrate the impact women have had on the commonwealth and the nation.

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Mountain of Blessings ends bid for Richmond Christian Center property

The fight over ownership of the bankrupt Richmond Christian Center in South Side has ended, at least for the time being. An Eastern Henrico Church, Mountain of Blessings Christian Center (MBCC), led by married co-pastors Dimitri and Nicole Bradley, has dropped its suit asking the U.S. Bankruptcy Court to allow MBCC to proceed in purchasing the RCC’s property in the 200 block of Cowardin Avenue.

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Chesterfield teen receives $10,000 grant to kick-start home-school academy

Watching her younger brother struggle as he started high school through a home-school program, Nasiyah Isra-Ul went online to try to find resources to help.

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HumanKind’s direct cash funds may soon dry up

Concern is growing over the dwindling money in a family crisis fund that Richmond created to provide direct cash payments.

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City Council approves expansion of real estate tax relief

Elderly and totally disabled homeowners won increased relief from real estate taxes beginning in January 2020.

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Greening project at South Side church designed to reduce pollution

Nearly 50 trees are now growing in a portion of the parking lot of Branch’s Baptist Church, 3400 Broad rock Blvd. in South Side.

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Coffee shop reopens on Brookland Park Blvd.

The Streetcar Café on North Side is back in business under new management. The coffee shop at 10 E. Brookland Park Blvd. turned on the lights and began serving patrons again Dec. 14, two weeks after the previous operators departed.

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New Coliseum in the works?

Where would the money come from?

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27,952 registered in 2 days

Voters flood state online registration system during deadline extension

Tens of thousands of Virginians registered to vote last week after a federal judge ordered the state to reopen the voter rolls for two extra days.

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High job hopes

Nonprofit offers former convicts free solar training for brighter futures

Criminal convictions can be a real barrier to finding work.

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Community advocate raises concerns about City’s new Confederate shrine

Even as Mayor Levar M. Stoney and City Council revive a citizen commission to help Richmond eliminate slavery-defending Confederate names from streets and bridges, the city Department of Public Utilities has created a new shrine to fallen Civil War rebels.

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Federal judge finds no ADA violation in Sheriff’s Office hiring decision

A federal judge has found that Richmond Sheriff C.T. Woody Jr. did not violate the Americans with Disabilities Act when he declined to reassign a disabled deputy to a vacant payroll position and instead hired someone else to fill the job.

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Cooking up skills, dollars for RPS culinary program

Call it an eye-opening experience for Nicholas Pollard, Jaquan Wash- ington, TéAnna Warren and six other high school seniors in Richmond Public Schools’ culinary program at the Richmond Technical Center.

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City Council slated to vote April 9 on remote meetings

City Council is to take its final step Thursday, April 9, to enable online meetings that would include a method to allow the public to submit comments.

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Moving on up or out? Mayor Stoney submits to City Council $1.5B Coliseum replacement and Downtown development plan

Five months ago, Mayor Levar M. Stoney was singing the revenue blues as he introduced his latest budget. He told city residents that revenue was growing too slowly to keep up with the overwhelming demand for resources, and without a major increase in the property tax, the city couldn’t adequately address major challenges ranging from fixing city streets to funding public education and replacing worn-out police cars and fire trucks. Mayor Stoney now has changed his tune as he introduces his long-awaited grand development plan for Downtown.

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Richmond Public Library ends fines for overdue materials

Forget being hit with a fine for the late return of a book, recording or other item borrowed from the Richmond Public Library.

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State Police to probe handling of city contract to remove rebel statues

Did Mayor Levar M. Stoney violate the state’s procurement law when his administration provided a sole-source emergency contract worth $1.8 million to remove city-owned Confederate statues?