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Personality: Bessida C. White

Spotlight on Virginia chair of Genealogical Society’s conference

Bessida C. White says she began researching her family genealogy in 1984.

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‘Trumpcare’ health plan would strip insurance from millions

Impressed by President Trump’s campaign promises to make health care more affordable, Mavis Reivis crossed her fingers and voted for him.

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Clinton, Trump win Super Tuesday

Super Tuesday proved super for Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. The two front-runners each won seven of the 11 state primary contests this week, including Virginia — putting each on course to win their party’s presidential nomination and face each other in a general election showdown.

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RRHA puts hold on all public housing evictions through December, but residents are skeptical, concerned bigger issues are not being addressed

The Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority has frozen all evictions for the rest of the year, following months of growing scrutiny and backlash from residents and housing advocates over the organization’s actions and priorities.

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Feeding schools’ budget

City Council approves 1.5% meals tax hike for schools construction

On July 1, people dining out in Richmond will pay an extra 1.5 percent in tax on their prepared meals. The projected extra $9 million in annual tax revenue will be used to repay $150 million the city plans to borrow to build up to four new schools in Church Hill and South Side to replace aging and decaying buildings.

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Rev. Joseph Lowery, head of SCLC and dean of civil rights veterans, dies at 98

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery fought to end segregation, lived to see the election of the country’s first African-American president and echoed the call for “justice to roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream” in America.

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Personality: Anne Moss Rogers

Spotlight on recipient of 2019 Pat Asch Fellowship for Social Justice

Anne Moss Rogers wants to foster a “culture of connection” to help prevent suicide. Being selected as the 2019 recipient of the YWCA’s Pat Asch Fellowship for Social Justice will help her achieve that goal.

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Personality: Jamal Brooks

Spotlight on the VA Pride’s Scholarship Committee chairman

Jamal Brooks was 17 years old when his education came to a sudden stop.

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Foremost wishes for 2022:

With the start of 2022, the Richmond Free Press invited select officials to share their foremost wishes for the new year. Here are their responses:

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Personality: Shavon M. Ragsdale

Spotlight on Village Against Violence Foundation founder

If it takes a village to raise a child, Shavon M. Ragsdale works to make sure the village is ready, willing and able to protect and support those most in need.

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Personality: Dan Fellows

Spotlight on Richmond Ambulance Authority innovator and award winner

Dan Fellows, fleet manager for the Richmond Ambulance Authority will go as far as the sun to ensure the highest quality of service for the residents of Richmond.

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Letters To The Editor: Reflections on the death of George Floyd

The senseless murders of black people who posed no threat have created the effect of rioting across the country.

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Personality: Lisa Lowe Walls

Spotlight on chef coordinator of ‘Sauté & Sizzle: Richmond Men Are Cooking’

Lisa Lowe Walls loves food. She describes herself as a “pasta type of person” whose favorite meal is anything she doesn’t have to cook. With that combination, she also has the perfect volunteer role — coordinating the chefs for “Sauté & Sizzle: Richmond Men Are Cooking.

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2020 Year in Photos

Who knew when Richmonders rang in the year 2020 that it would be such a year of tumult?

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High cost of defense

Everett L. Bolling Jr. tries to piece his life back together after winning in court but losing everything in a murder case

Eight months ago, Everett L. Bolling Jr., 37, seemed to have it all.

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RPS set to reopen Thursday after weather delay and early run on COVID-19 test kits

As school districts across the country consider postponing reopening following the holiday break or instituting remote instruction because of the new wave of COVID-19 infections, Richmond Public Schools stands fast in promoting vaccinations and testing to keep their doors open for in-person instruction.

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Doubling down

Alfred C. Liggins III and Urban One go all in to win voter approval of the $565M casino project proposed for South Side. The referendum is Nov. 2, with early voting going on now.

Do you want a gambling casino built on a 100-acre commercial property in the South Side?

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A brief history of the Black church’s diversity, and its vital role in American political history, by Jason Evans

With religious affiliation on the decline, continuing racism and increasing income inequality, some scholars and activists are soul-searching about the Black church’s role in today’s United States.

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Spotty CARE van service leaves riders in limbo

Roderyck Bullock has somewhere to go almost every day, but he doesn’t always make it. His ride sometimes arrives late. Occasionally, it doesn’t show up at all.

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Opportunity time

Richmond mayor’s race hit by 11th-hour surprises

The Richmond mayor’s race has been turned topsy-turvy as the days count down to Election Day next Tuesday, Nov. 8. As the apparent front-runner, Joe Morrissey, scrambles to contain a new sex scandal with fierce denials, one of his six rivals, City Councilman Jonathan T. Baliles, announced Wednesday he has ended his bid for the city’s top post. Trailing far behind in recent polls, Mr. Baliles issued a message to his supporters on his campaign website that he was dropping out.