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‘Moral and ethical imperative to combat climate change’, by U.S. Rep. A Donald McEachin

The climate crisis is the greatest existential threat we face.

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RPS set to reopen Thursday after weather delay and early run on COVID-19 test kits

As school districts across the country consider postponing reopening following the holiday break or instituting remote instruction because of the new wave of COVID-19 infections, Richmond Public Schools stands fast in promoting vaccinations and testing to keep their doors open for in-person instruction.

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2021 Year in Photos

The year 2021 was a tug of war between the life changes precipitated by the COVID-19-related shutdowns of 2020 and efforts to return to a pre-COVID way of life.

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Free COVID-19 testing, vaccines

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.

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Into the future

Heading into 2022, Mayor Stoney details his focus for Richmond’s growth and opportunities in the coming years

Mayor Levar M. Stoney is bullish on Richmond as he prepares to begin his sixth year in the city’s top elected office.

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Archbishop Desmond Tutu, lion of anti-apartheid movement, dies at 90

Mourners held a candlelight prayer ceremony outside the Soweto home of the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu on Wednesday, weeping over the memory not only of a world-renowned lion of the anti-apartheid movement but of a kind and loyal neighbor.

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VUU Choir to perform at Youngkin inauguration

The Virginia Union University Choir has been invited to sing during inaugural activities for Republican Gov.-elect Glenn A. Youngkin.

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Free COVID-19 testing, vaccines

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.

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Wishing for governance ‘devoid of biases’, by Dr. E. Faye Williams

When you read this, we will be in the year 2022 or almost there. I hope the new year will hold the realization of your most cherished hopes and dreams.

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New day, new year

Journey of past year filled with health challenges and separations brings Mechanicsville family closer together

During the past 19 months, three generations of the Lewis family have experienced what many families fear – infection with the COVID-19 virus and cancer.

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The Rev. Franklin D. Harvey Sr., inventor of the Afro Master and former owner of Harvey’s Progressive Barber Shop, dies at 88

For decades, the Rev. Franklin Deheart Harvey Sr. ran one of the largest barbering operations in Richmond.

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Free COVID-19 testing, vaccines

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.

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CoStar to expand in Richmond, building a new riverfront office tower and creating up to 3,000 new jobs

Up to 3,000 new jobs and a new 26-story riverfront office tower that will rank as the tallest office building in Virginia.

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State grant helps keep GRTC rides free

A new $8 million state grant could help GRTC keep fares at no cost to riders for at least another three years.

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Second ‘George Floyd’ Pieta stolen from Catholic University

A second painting of Jesus and his mother, Mary, in which Jesus is widely thought to be depicted as George Floyd, has been stolen from the walls of the Catholic University of America’s law school.

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Dr. Harvey to VSU graduates: ‘Let’s get on with it’

“We believe that the sun rises and shines on you, and we believe that there is nothing, nothing, nothing that you can’t do.”

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Mobilize for voting rights, by Marc H. Morial

“After decades of struggle and a year of our leaders choosing the Jim Crow filibuster over our voting rights, our time is now. On this day of action, I call on Congress and the White House to eliminate the filibuster and pass voting rights to protect millions of Black and Brown voters. The arc of the moral universe is long. Join me on January 17 to demand that it bends toward justice.” — Martin Luther King III

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Our dollars as a form of resistance, by Julianne Malveaux

Our nation’s gross domestic product, or GDP, is a function of consumer spending. We are prodded, cajoled, enticed and engaged in the spending exercise, and all that happens because money makes the world go round.

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Richmonder’s baking passion turns into burgeoning family business during the holiday

It’s holiday time — a time for family and friends and to give thanks for blessings of the past year. Richmonder Linda Shaw is doing just that — giving thanks as she makes memories and money with her LindaGrams, a trademarked graham cracker-based cookie she created and now sells online and in pop-up events.